
Do you still spend quality time with your children now that they're older?

Pick your answer

Do you still spend quality time with your children now that they're older?


Have you been supportive of your children's decisions throughout their life?

Pick your answer

Have you been supportive of your children's decisions throughout their life?


Do you remember to talk about the memories that you have shared with your children?

Do you remember to talk about the memories that you have shared with your children?


Do you keep in contact with your children regularly?

Do you keep in contact with your children regularly?


If the worst was to happen, have you financially protected your family by making a will?

Pick your answer

Have you financially protected your family by making a will?


If your child has a problem do you think they would be likely to ask your advice on the matter?

Pick your answer

If your child has a problem do you think they would be likely to ask your advice on the matter?

Are you within the average?


Do you feel there are times when you could be a better Dad?

Pick your answer

Do you feel there are times when you could be a better Dad?

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