
How many hours of quality time do you spend with your child per day?

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Have you managed to continue your hobbies since having children?

Pick your answer

Have you managed to continue your hobbies since having children?


Did you experience increased levels of stress or anxiety leading up to and after your child was born?

Did you experience increased levels of stress or anxiety?


Do you feel like there is enough support for new fathers?

Do you feel like there is enough support for new fathers?


If the worst was to happen, have you financially protected your family by making a will?

Pick your answer

Have you financially protected your family by making a will?


Do you think it is important to play with your child even though they won't necessarily remember it?

Pick your answer

Do you think it is important to play with your child?

Are you within the average?


Do you feel there are times when you could be a better Dad?

Pick your answer

Do you feel there are times when you could be a better Dad?

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